Grief is like the ocean; we walk the shores of it
Sometimes it comes in slowly, quietly, even unnoticed in the dark.
We feel the coldness creeping up and around us.
As it gets deeper, it gets stronger…pushing and moving us as it moves.
Sometimes it’s warm and soothing water brings us rest and calm…even comfort.
We walk on the sand not knowing that the ocean is actually just below the surface.
Apparently it has gone away, gone out
But actually just seeped beneath our feet…into sands of time… and timelessness.
The ocean is our friend…and powerful is this ocean of grief.
Some days it comes in waves so overwhelming.
We may know its power… but who can predict its surges?
Not everyone yet knows the beauty and devastation of this grief,
the therapeutic value of its ebb and flow, the aroma of its comfort,
the strength of befriending it… of walking in it.
Its pain will push us around.
It pushes us towards life, towards living.
It will push us towards healing.
Be aware, be alert, be alive, don’t recoil from its pain.
Don’t fall in, in a drunken stupor, …or stumble dulled by drugs.
Don’t be swept away.
Be aware, choose to be alert, to be alive.
Resisting the pain is resisting the healing…
healing waters of grief…
beautiful and majestic as the ocean, fearsome and devastating as the waves.
healing…love-giving…life giving.
There is real joy in living by its waters.
Father God created us to experience,
to live fully, to sorrow deeply,
to laugh unreservedly,
to love unselfishly,
to touch… to risk,
to dream… to hope… to serve.
We are like our Lord who has known great grief.
Eddies and swells of hurt, surges of sadness,
Slowly and surely the tides will subside. The sun appears,
the smell of soft, fresh breezes wafting from grief’s sea,
memories to comfort …… healing born from hope.
Ron Nordyke August 2006
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